Thursday, February 25, 2010

First pics of Baby Carpenter #2

We're so excited that Colton has a cousin on the way! Yeah for Baby Carpenter #2!

Darrell and I went to the doctor today for the initial ultrasound. Below are the first pics of Baby Carpenter #2. Super sweet!! The first pic you'll see is the outline of a baby with a little hand next to his/her face -- that was the first image that popped up on the ultrasound, as if the baby was saying "Hey there!" In the second pic you can see the legs sticking out. Though these still pics are fun, it's amazing during the actual ultrasound watching the little one moving all around, moving it's arms and legs as they try to take his/her picture. It's hard to believe that what they're taking a picture of is actually taking place inside my body -- such a miracle! Can't wait for the arrival of this new life on or around Sept. 12, 2010.

**Pics would not upload. Will have these once I figure out how to put them on the blog.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome Colton Pierce Ryan!!!

My brother, Pat, and his beautiful wife, Christie, welcomed Colton Pierce Ryan on February 23rd.

Colton's big sister, Ellena (age 4), and big brother Connor (age 2), were both thrilled at Colton's arrival!! Their adorable family live in York, Pennsylvania, so for now I have to settle for admiring my nephew from afar! Your Aunt Meredith loves you!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's Christmas Time in the City Part 5

Duke wearing Darrell's old sweatshirt! Too cute!

What a wonderful holiday season. Now I'm looking forward to what the New Year will bring!

It's Christmas Time in the City Part 4

Dec. 23rd. Dinner at the Carpenters.
So great to have Derrick and Ben (Kimsey's boyfriend) in town!
Church on Christmas Eve.
On the right is the Lane Family - having them join us for Christmas Eve made the night all the sweeter!

A pic of my dad reciting poems - a favorite past time.
I believe the poem titled "The Tiger" by William Blake was shared (in case there are any poem lovers out there!)

Good times!
The little Duke man all dressed up for Christmas Eve.
Christmas Day. Family movie outing.
Dinner with Bailes, Dalton and Carpenter Families. Loflins and Quarles - you were missed!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's Christmas Time in the City Part 3

What are the holidays without a trip to the Orlando Science Center?!

Flying to outer space!
Vroom! Vroom!
Hey Parker, do ya know how this thing works?

Thanks Yia Yia. I didn't know cars drink juice too!
Don't worry guys, this tightening the bolts on the tires is a cinch.
Wait, what are these...?
Ohhh cool! Sea shells! And sand!This place rocks! I'm glad our Yia Yia thought to bring us here!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's Christmas Time in the City Part 2

Another holiday outing was a Bowling Adventure with the Ryan clan:

My sister Chelsea showing her son Parker (age 2) the ropes.

Go ball, go!! Did I mention that Duke and Parker's ball barely made it down the lane? :) Oh, and check out the bumpers. Definitely a necessity for Duke and for me!
The boys. Just hangin'. The Ryan Clan.
Uncle T, Peyton, Aunt Nancy (visiting from Colorado!), Madison, Eric, Parker, Chels, and me and Duke in front)