Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First week home

KP has been home now for 4 full days and we're going on 5 nights.  Her two older brothers could not be happier to have her home!! Duke keeps asking if she can do things with him such as sleep in his new spider man tent, watch a movie or play with his toys.  Though most of my energy is spent telling him he will have to wait till she gets bigger, he has found ways to interact and does the sweetest things like covering her with his favorite blanket.  He is also quick to point out that he is the good brother unlike Braddock (as he says) who does things like shake her bassinet and poke her in the face.  I just love that the two of them are so proud to have her as their sister.  It definitely can get a tad bit crazy around here with the three of them but their combined energy and cuteness keep mine and Darrell's hearts captivated and bursting with pride.  

KP continues to take all her bottles and is gaining weight. As of Monday afternoon she weighed 7 lbs 7 oz.  Her birthweight was 6 lbs 15 oz.  Go KP!  Pray for continued development in her sucking ability.  It would be awesome if she could eventually take to breast feeding.  And we're still waiting for results back on her pending tests.  

As for other current prayer requests:  Now that we are home, we are having to figure out her outpatient care. This involves setting up appointments like occupational therapy and speech therapy (to help with her sucking ability) and scheduling follow up appointments with certain doctors that saw her in the NICU.  Please pray for wisdom in this process.  It can feel

Also, this prayer request may seem random but from the beginning I haven't really known how or what to pray.  I've known what I want for her in some ways but I also just want the gift of her and not to wish away any part of her just because hardship might accompany it.  

Anyway, in the midst of not really knowing what to pray, I realized today that one thing I do long for is to be able to have tea parties with my daughter one day.  I collected tea sets growing up and ever since I found out I was having a girl, I pictured us doing girly things like taking a trip out to Disney where they have a tea room at the Grand Floridian.  Darrell went with me before (which was hilarious since you are served tea and tiny biscuits by older women and all the other guests having tea were women - many age 5 and under...).  This prayer reflects my desire to be able to think beyond doctors and pending tests and anticipate enjoying shared experiences with my little girl.  

Thanks for continuing to check in on us! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Let's Go Home...

We are so thrilled and blessed. Katherine Pierce is going home. We are so excited. We will update later with more details of her progress! Again, thank you to everyone for the prayers. Please keep them coming.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Update on KP

KP did a great job taking her bottles today.  If she continues at this rate, we'll be able to remove her feeding tube and work solely on bottle/breast feeding.  This is great news at it means we are a step closer toward being able to take her home.  

My nurse also mentioned KP taking the car seat test in the next day or two.  For the car seat test, they have KP sit in the car seat for an hour and ensure it doesn't create/cause any difficulties for her.  For example, watching to see it isn't stressful on her neck.  This is recommended for KP due to her low muscle tone and the difficulties that it may present.  

And still no test results.  Thank you for continued prayers!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Today's A Great Day For Miracles

My sister texted me that a couple mornings ago and it made me smile.  Yes, today's a great day for miracles.

One miracle is that Katherine Pierce continues to improve on her eating.  She breastfed a little today which is encouraging as well.  In addition, KP had an eye exam this morning and everything looked normal. Apparently the eye exam is another way to look at the brain functioning so we're extremely grateful for normal results.

No report back yet on the last test that is pending.  Thanks for your continued prayers!

Lastly, a friend of mine had a pool party today and I took Duke and Braddock.  It was good for my soul to spend time with my carefree boys as they chased their friends around and enjoyed the final days of summer.

Back with my girl now at the hospital and about to give her a bath.

Monday, August 6, 2012

How to Pray

Many of you have asked how you can pray for us specifically.  Today two prayer requests are on my heart.  First, there is currently one remaining test pending on Katherine Pierce.  The results are supposed to come in today (Monday, August 6th) or within the first half of this week.  Please pray the test comes back negative or normal.  Secondly, pray that mine and Darrell's thoughts would all be held captive to Christ.  In other words, that we would not be overcome with anxious thoughts about what the future holds but thoughts that recognize and acknowledge that God Himself has Katherine Pierce in His hands.  To Him, night is as day.  This thought is the ultimate comfort and what has made it possible to seek peace amidst all the unknowns.

Praise God with us as well!  Katherine Pierce has been taking down her full bottles the past couple of feedings.  Pray for continued improvement in this area.  The sooner she can eat on her own, the sooner she can come home from the NICU.   Further testing/movement toward a diagnosis would then continue through outpatient care.  

I can't thank each of you enough for being in this with us.  Many of you have emailed, texted and even sent snail mail assuring us we are not alone.  More than once, I have thought how I just can't do this.  I can't leave my baby at the hospital and drive away.  It's too much.  Too hard.  And yet, the next moment I know and can feel myself being carried through the support of others: through peoples prayers, our fridge being stocked with homemade meals, KP's nurse going to the hospital chapel to pray and interceding specifically for the health and life of my little girl, another nurse assuring me that KP would not be alone and that she would accompany her to the MRI testing that took place at 3 am in the morning, Starbucks coffee being dropped at my door by a friend wanting to brighten my morning, grandparents and friends providing Duke and Braddock with loads of love and attention and a sense of normalcy, the crazy generous gift of a bright pink IPad (in honor of KP) from a group of friends who thought it'd prove helpful to have a portable computer in this season, my mom letting me sob in her lap and being given permission to be weak when I feel the situation calls me to be strong, both the nurses and doctors who take care of KP especially when we are not there in the NICU with her, the friend who drove to the hospital to pray just so she could be close to KP, friends meeting me early in the morning to pray over KP as we hold and feed her, KP's Aunts flying in from out of town just to hold her....  

It is true that I have never felt more broken and helpless.  But I have also never experienced more firsthand the love of Jesus through the hands and feet of others.  Thank you for assuring us in different ways that we are not facing any of this alone. 

We will update more soon! 

How Sweet it is to be Loved by You

With Gita
 with Pops and Bear
 and with Yia Yia.
Life is good. :)